Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian
Docu Sci-fi Music 73'
United Kingdom, United States.
Armenian, English, French language with English Subtitles
Festivals FILMFEST MÜNCHEN, Frameline, WP - SXSW 2024

Three doppelgängers meet in outer space to imagine diasporic eco-friendly futures

'New Doc Explores the Pitfalls of Colonizing Space' - WIRED

'18 to know at SXSW 2024' - Pitchfork

Doppelgängers3 by Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian
World Premiere: SXSW
Genres: Documentary, Experimental, Sci-fi, Music
Screening Section: Visions

Doppelgängers3 was made with the support of the BFI Doc Society Fund, awarding National Lottery funding|A Grant for This Film Was Generously Provided by the Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program with support from Sandbox Films|Doppelgängers3 has been presented at CPH:FORUM of CPH:DOX – Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival 2020 |Red Moon Mission in Astroland was supported via a Karman Project Foundation Grant in support of Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian's Karman Fellowship |Scientific support was provided by the SETI Institute (The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute), NASA SSERVI (Solar System Exploration Research Institute), Astroland Interplanetary Agency, and The Committee for the Cultural Utilisation of Space (ITACCUS) at the International Astronautical Federation.

BFI Doc Society Fund
Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program with support from Sandbox Films
Karman Project Foundation Grant in support of Nelly Ben Hayoun- Stépanian's Karman Fellowship
NASA SSERVI (Solar System Exploration Research Institute)
Astroland Interplanetary Agency
Pussy Riot
The SETI Institute
CPH:FORUM of CPH:DOX (Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival 2020)
The Committee for the Cultural Utilisation of Space (ITACCUS) at the International Astronautical Federation

Original Music by Pussy Riot, Colin Self, Mirrored Fatality, Anna Vartazaryan, Asmodessa, and more new talents from Algeria and Armenia.
Featuring Lucia Kagramanyan, Myriam Amroun and Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian as doppelgängers.
Featuring Aquanaut Sylvia Earle, Extraterrestrial Intelligence hunter Jill Tarter, Political scientist Uday Mehta, Quantum physicist and futurist Michio Kaku, Senior Astronomer Franck Marchis, Transactivist rights advocate Lilit Martirosyan, neurologist and gene master Kári Stefánsson, Astrobiologist and Terraforming expert Chris McKay and many more great minds.

Interviewees for Doppelgängers3 include:
Prof. Michio Kaku, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Futurist, USA
Dr. Jill Tarter, Co-Founder of the SETI Institute, Astronomer, USA
Prof. Uday Singh Mehta, Professor of Political Science, USA
Dr. Sylvia Earle, Legendary Aquanaut and Marine Biologist, USA
Lilit Martirosyan, LGBTQ+ Activist and Founder of Right Side NGO, Armenia
Dr. Franck Marchis, Astronomer and Planetary Scientist, USA
Greg Schmidt, Director of the Solar System Exploration Research
Virtual Institute (SSERVI), NASA, USA
Lucia Kagramanyan, Musician and Doppelgänger, Armenia
Myriam Amroun, Curator, Cultural Practitioner and Doppelgänger, Algeria
Prof. Graciela Chichilnisky, Professor of Economics at Columbia University, USA
Dr. Kári Stefánsson, Neurologist, CEO of deCODE Genetics, Iceland
Rémy Bennett, Filmmaker, Writer, Curator, USA
Tracy Jarvis, Trauma Specialist, UK
Manuel Leira Casanueva, CAPCOM at Astroland Agency, Spain
Prof. Jamal Mimouni, President of AFAS and Astrophysicist, Algeria
George Fayvush, Leading Scientific Researcher at Yerevan Botanical Garden, Armenia
Boris Gasparyan, Archeologist and Winemaker, Armenia
Dr. Chris McKay, Planetary Scientist, USA
Rhea Shah, Transdisciplinary Environmental Designer
Prof. Bernard Foing, Former European Space Agency Chief Scientist, France
Liz Taylor, President of Doer Marine, USA
Athiye Jawad, Aerospace Engineer, UAE

* Please note that no NASA funding was used for the production of this film. All NASA scientists who feature participated as individuals, representing their individual research and/or their opinion/views. Their participation and statements in no way reflect the views, priorities or policies of The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Core Crew:
Director and Creative: Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian|Director of Photography: Fiona Braillon|Editors: Xanna Ward Dixon, Rachel Roberts, Raluca Petre and David Potter|Assistant Editors: Beatrix Blaise, Gene Limbrick|Motion Graphics: Gene Limbrick | Producer: Sandra Leeming, Luke Moody, Victoria Adams, Amina Castaing and Nelly Ben Hayoun-Stépanian | Cinematographer Algeria: Hamoudi Laggoune|Production advisor (Armenia): Tatevik Ayvazyan|Music Advisor: Lucia Kagramanyan and Myriam Amroun|Executive Producers: Sandra Whipham, Christopher Hird |Editorial consultant: Laura Ben Hayoun-Stépanian|Pictures by Nick Ballon